Morse Code is undergoing a resurgence of popularity as amateur radio (Ham)
operators seek to return to the roots of electronic communication.
If you're interested in learning Morse Code, you can't do better that
signing up for a CW Academy class at CWOps.
The CW Academy annually teaches hundreds of former and new CW enthusiasts CW in
an online classroom environment via Zoom, Skype or other technologies, with a goal
of proficiency at 25 wpm. Be sure to visit
CWops Morse Code
Trainer, it's the "home base" for CWOps lessons.
If scheduled online classes aren't your thing, consider
for individual self-paced study.
The menu options open various training tools I developed to assist me in my CW Academy classes. Open the "About" page for a
detailed explanation of each tool. These tools can help you learn Morse Code
by sound and aid in learning to "head-copy" or understand Morse when you hear it.
These tools helped me. I hope you find them useful as well!